How to Start Blogging? || Naisky

If you have love for writing but don’t know where to start and how to start. You love thinking, but when it comes to writing you get stuck at a moment and you can’t write. Well every writer has went to that phase, the phase of want to write down your thoughts, your feelings, your experience, your life goals, your inspirations, a self-blog and mostly pouring your heart and soul when writing a blog.

Follow these steps to be successful Blogger!

Step 1. Be Confident

As a blogger you first need to tell yourself that everything will be fine, take care of your thoughts, don’t let negativity come and ruin your passion for Blogging. Well we are all scared and shy for the first time but it’s okay, sometimes its ok not to be ok, stop being hard on yourself, don’t let days go by you and let your life, mostly your passion pass by your eyes. Sometimes you need to close your eyes and take a leap of faith, because this is what life is about, life is a hope, a hope for brand new day, and hope for your wishes to come true, hope to make your dreams come true. STOP! Just stop procrastinating! 

Step 2. Don't response to your Haters

When you make up your mind to be a blogger then you have to increase tolerance level and just ignore the haters. For this purpose, you just have to block them off who puts hurdles to your way of blogging.

Startup for beginners

If you are new, I would recommend you to make an account on Google Blogger. Having your Gmail account you can easily connect there. Click on create your blog.

Start of Blogging Journey

After choosing your Gmail id, click on the title and write your blog title and click next.

Half-Way Done

Choose a URL for your Blog and this is how people will find you. After writing your URL click next.

Last Step to Start a Blogging

Confirm your display name, and then click on finish.

Your Account Has Been Created

Your blog channel is made, now click on new post, and now enjoy blogging.

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