How to remove music from background using tiktok app||Naisky

ollowing are the steps that will help you to remove background music and add music of your own choice.

Step 1:

open profile of your tiktok and click on the plus type button as shown in picture below:

After clicking on that plus like button your phone gallery will be popedup… you have to select that vedio from which you want to remove background music…Then after uplaoding your vedio  their will be a option of voice over on the right side. click on it.

Step 2:

Then after clicking on the voiceover the given screen will be popediup as shown in picture…. If u want to remove the original sound then just click on the tick…

YOUR orignal background music is removed .Now add the music according to your taste..Now click on the sound on the left bottom corner side as shown in picture

After this  screen will popup where you have to search the song according to ur taste. and click on the tick and ur song will be added.

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