Around then, the world impugned the Taliban’s disciplines, which occurred in Kabul’s arena or on the grounds of the rambling Eid Gah Mosque, regularly went to by many Afghan men.
Executions of sentenced killers were as a rule by a solitary shot to the head, completed by the casualty’s family, who had the alternative of tolerating “blood money” and permitting the guilty party to live. For indicted hoodlums, the discipline was the removal of a hand. For those indicted for a scam, a hand and a foot were severed.
Preliminaries and feelings were seldom open and the legal executive was weighted for Islamic researchers, whose information on the law was restricted to strict directives.
Turabi said that this time, judges – including ladies – would mediate cases, however the establishment of Afghanistan’s laws will be the Quran. He said similar disciplines would be restored.
“Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security,” he said, saying it had a deterrent effect. He said the cabinet was studying whether to do punishments in public and will “develop a policy”.
In a new meeting with Al Jazeera, Turabi – who got back to Afghanistan following 20 years of an outcast in Pakistan – additionally said the new equity framework will reflect the past Taliban request, however with certain “changes”.
“Our deeds will show that we are not like the Americans who say that they stand for human rights but committed terrible crimes. There will be no more torture and no more hunger,” Turabi said, as he explained that the new prison staff will include members of the old system and the Taliban mujahideen.
“We have a constitution but we will introduce changes to it and, based on those changes, we will revise the civil and criminal codes and the rules for civilians. There will be much less prisoners because we will follow the rules of Islam, humane rules.”
Turabi did not comment on the killing of four people during the protest in Kabul on September 10, or mounting evidence of the torture against journalists and civilians still being carried out in prisons.
“People worry about some of our rules, for example cutting hands. But this is public demand. If you cut off a hand of a person, he will not commit the same crime again. People are now corrupt, extorting money from others, taking bribes,” he told Al Jazeera.
“We will bring peace and stability. Once we introduce our rules, no one will dare to break them.”