Taliban in the Presidential Place!

Film from Al Jazeera from inside the official royal residence late Sunday showed Taliban pioneers with long stubbles and turbans situated around a wooden table, as aggressors using attack rifles remained behind them. Some relaxed on plated seats.

The Taliban “needs a participatory government with different segments of the Afghan public,” Qari Salahuddin, the Taliban’s focal security official, disclosed to Al Jazeera Arabic.

He said plans were in progress for the arrival of the development’s chiefs to Kabul.

The Taliban sent crews of 15 furnished men each to all administration central command, international safe havens and discretionary missions to ensure them, and had set up designated spots along the city’s passageways and central avenues, a pioneer disclosed to Al Jazeera.

In messages clearly dispersed to Kabul occupants through the informing bunch WhatsApp, the gathering broadcasted that “we are accountable for security for Kabul.” The messages recorded phone numbers in different areas that residents should call in the event that they saw issues like plundering or “untrustworthy” conduct with respect to furnished people.

“The Islamic Emirate guarantees you that nobody ought to be in the frenzy of feeling dread,” one message said. “Taliban is assuming control over the city without battling and nobody will be in danger.”

In the meantime, Afghan pioneers who have been the Taliban’s adversary for as far back as twenty years gave supplications for the gathering to cease from retributory brutality.

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